
Photovoltaic Panels


ISOFOTON company’s technology are monocrystalline or polycrystalline silicon, made in Spain, down under very high standard of production. The company is a ISOFOTON of the largest production companies in Europe, reaching a yearly production of 180 MW photovoltaic, and they are available worldwide.

ISOFOTON is one of the most reliable companies in the field, brings many benefits rank among the top worldwide, and its main advantages are listed below:

• It is one of the few companies producing solar vertical field
• 28 years of presence in manufacturing photovoltaic panels (since 1981)
• Guarantee of production of 88% of the power panel for 20 years
• High resistance to difficult weather conditions, both in coastal areas and areas with high altitude
• Wide range of power panels

Warranty: twenty five (25) years warranty
Product Warranty: Five (5) years product warranty

Specifications: ISF - 240/245/250



L.Marathonos 229, 15351
Pallini, Athens

Telephone:  +30 210 6034720
Fax: +30 210 6034880




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